In this article, we will compare genital herpes to common skin conditions: folliculitis, canker sore, balanitis, vaginal yeast infection, syphilis, chancroid, and lymphogranuloma venerum (LGV).
The most significant differentiating signs and symptoms will be noted in our comparisons.
Each comparison will have two parts:
1. History
✓ What caused the rash?
✓ How soon did the rash appear after exposure (the rash incubation period)?
✓ How are the rash and other symptoms changing over time?
2. Visual exam
✓ General rash appearance
✓ Location of the rash
✓ Presence of any discharge and its quality (color, amount, and consistency)
✓ Skin depth affected by the lesion
In medical practice, the diagnosis is 90% based on a visual exam and 10% based on the history of the rash. The history of the rash, including how it evolves, plays a confirmatory role.