How long does a herpes swab test take?
It depends on the swab test that was performed.
The herpes culture test might take up to 7 days to return, while the herpes PCR swab test (1) can take 16- 24 hours.
Swab test limitations: timing and technique
Unlike blood tests, which can be done at any point to confirm one’s herpes status—the swab test can be performed only during an outbreak. Moreover, it should be done within the first 48 hours (ideally 24 hours) of seeing blisters and sores.
Ideally, the doctor should break the herpes blister that is swabbed so concentrated fluid can be collected for the testing. Dry sores cannot be swabbed.
Herpes PCR swab test comparison to Herpes IgG
The illustration below compares the blood test (IgG) to a herpes swab (culture test).
Only a few specialized places with the necessary viral collection kit can perform the swab test.

Britannica [Internet]. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannic, Inc.; c2021. Reverse transcriptase; [cited 2021 Mar 26]; [about 3 screens]. -
Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky SL, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman; c2000. Section 6.3: Viruses: Structure, Function, and Uses.